quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Long time, no see.

hello there internet...

i know i haven't wrote anything in a long time, but honestly i haven't been inspired to write anything, or draw, well to create nothing really...
I'm working in getting my life in some kind of path, making some changes because, I’m going to be totally honest here, i' m not felling to good abou myself. I never was too sure of myself but since like 6 months ago it has been worse so i decided to do something about that, to get some confidence back.
First of all i dyed my hair this yesterday, I’ve always been blonde but now some pieces of my hair are brown and i like it, it's a big change for me and i'm not use to it yet.
Second i went to a job interview today and i try to be an improved version on me, i acted all confident and smiled, i tried to be very nice and look happy.
I have a bad habit, i always tell myself things that i have to do, like i'm going to paint more, i'm going to watch my diet, you know stuff like that, but i never really do anything, and it has to change.
I want to become someone else, well still me but an improved version of me.

(I don't know who is gonna read this but i think i wrote this to myself)

terça-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2012


Hello there, hope everybody is doing fine! So yeah, we’re in 2012, a new year a new beginning!
And it’s about this that I want to talk about!
So last year was not a really good year for me, a lot of stuff happened but that’s the good thing about a all new year right? You can just put all the shitty stuff that happened, all of the tears, all of the heartbreaks, all of the frustration, all of the bad things behind but please keep the good moments that have became memories.
So…this year the world is supposed to end I guess, but screw that!!! This is year can be a wonderful and happy year, and so I’m going to do some changes in my life!
Yeah, like I said, some stuff happened in 2012 but so what? It’s time to get on my feet and do something about it! I’m a pretty positive person, but that doesn’t mean that good things will happen if I just sit my ass on my chair and wait for it.
If you want good thing to happen you have to pursuit them, and don’t count on luck, sometimes it doesn’t work, you have to make your own luck, and don’t count on destiny (if you believe in that) because destiny is tired of make things happen for you!
Make this year all about you, don’t think about doing something, just do it, if something appears on your way don’t cry about it just overcome your obstacles, we’re only as good as we make ourselves be!
And no, I’m not just saying this because it’s what we are suppose to do, I really mean this, I’m going to do things by myself for myself…and here are some of my new years resolutions:
-Stop being lazy and start doing stuff.
-Be more confident and don’t think about what people may think what I’m going to say or do.
-Find a job.
-Work on my résumé.
- Study to get into college.
- And start writing on my blog more often hahahaha xD
This are only a few, but please tell me some of your new year’s resolutions, and I know we make this list every fucking year but it’s time to take it “seriously”. 

sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011


Ele…os seus olhos…a sua boca…ele.
Ela acorda, a claridade a entrar pelo quarto…foi só um sonho, não passou de um sonho, ela suspira aliviada, senta-se na cama ainda meia a dormir, mete o portátil sobre as pernas e começa a escrever numa página em branco no Word. Escreve durante uns tempos. Levanta-se e vai fazer um café, volta para a cama e volta a meter o portátil em cima das pernas para reler o que escreveu. Em vez do seu extenso texto vê algo escrito em letras pequenas de mais para se perceber realmente o que era. Aumenta a letra “Help” é a palavra. Fecha o portátil rapidamente tira-o de cima das suas pernas e vai rapidamente para a casa de banho.
Ela está no banho, pensativa, desesperada, em sofrimento. Sai do banho, olha ao espelho e encontra novamente a palavra “Help” escrita no espelho embaciado, limpa rapidamente o espelho, e fica a olhar para o seu reflexo. Pega na caixa dos medicamentos, toma-os e sai da casa de banho.
Ele…os seus olhos, a sua boca…ele.
Ela acorda, foi novamente um sonho. Vai a casa de banho passa pelo espelho e algo lhe capta a atenção, volta atrás. É o seu reflexo, mas não exacto, está diferente, não é o presente. Está vestida de maneira diferente, está a chorar, diz algo, que pelos lábios ela percebe ser “help”.
Vai ao quarto pega na mala, nas chaves e sai de casa…

quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011

December = Wishlist

Hello everyone, so today is the 1st of December and we all know what that means:
For the ones who are studying and working holidays are coming.
For the ones who do nothing (like me) it just means that you can spend more time with your friends because they have free time.
It also means that colder days are coming and in a lot of places snow, I hate the fact that doesn’t snow in Lisbon.
It also means that Christmas is coming, I don’t hate Christmas but I don’t love it either, I like all the food and spending some time with family that I don’t see so often but besides that the Christmas Spirit is disappearing…but let’s be honest everybody is going to receive some money and we are all already thinking what we are going to buy with that money, thanks to our consumer society.
 Since my birthday (in September) I’m hoping that I receive enough money to make my first tattoo, I’m really excited about that…and also I really need some warm clothes, because I just now realized that all my Winter shirts have horizontal stripes and I’m sick of that.
So yeah, since Christmas is coming I’m doing my list for Santa in here aka my wishlist.

1st thing that i would love to have is (drums please):

Both of this Jeffrey Campbell Shoes

This Nikki Lipstick awesome hoodie

This purple lipstick form MAC.

This jackets from Drop Dead!

And this plugs.

So this is my wishlist, i've i could have all of these i would be very happy :) if you want make a comment 
telling me what is in your wishlist, have a good beginning of December. Kisses and bye bye

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011

Hello everyone!
So last Thursday i went to the Machine Head show here in Lisbon and it was amazing!
Here are the bands that performed:
Darkest Hour - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m06ayCYCIJQ
Devildriver - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ySpk3ErFd0
Bring me the Horizon - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWmNsHDdWFU&feature=relmfu
and of course Machine Head - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OCBWPQswNo

I enjoy all of theme but i have to say that I loved Bring me the Horizon, it was so good, and for the first time in my life i did crowd surf. I got punched in the eye and i also lost my shoe but i had so much fun.
I also loved Machine Head, i got to say that i wasn't a big fun, like i knew them but i wasn't crazy about them, but Machine Head live is sooooooo good, seriously i got the chills listing to the guitar solos.
It was a really good night with really awesome bands, i loved  it!

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Olá pessoal! Ou não pessoal visto que ainda não tenho nenhum seguidor e não sei se alguém irá ler o que posto aqui. Bem também não tenho feito grande coisa pelo blog não é verdade?
Bem aqui vai o desabafo do dia...

Sabem quando estamos cansados e dizemos "quem me dera que não houvesse escola. quem me dera que não tivesse que trabalhar", sabem? Bem eu sei porque já várias vezes disse isso! Mas nunca pensei que não fazer nada fosse tão...secante.
Infelizmente este ano não consegui entrar na faculdade, ou seja, não faço nada da vida não é verdade. Ontem fui distribuir currículos a vários sítios, vamos lá ver se consigo arranjar um part-time para preencher algum tempo e ganhar algum dinheiro que também é muito bom.
Como tenho tanto livre, ando a pensar em criar um canal no youtube. Nada de vlogs, tutorias e essas coisas, que isso eu gosto de ver não fazer. Apenas vídeos, como complemento ao meu blog no tumblr, que é também exactamente o que este blog é.

Bem andei aqui a divagar (e nunca pensei quando criei este blog que ia postar algo tipo "diário") mas pronto não tenho andando com inspiração para escrever, mas vou tratar disso.

Bye bye

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011

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