segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011

Hello everyone!
So last Thursday i went to the Machine Head show here in Lisbon and it was amazing!
Here are the bands that performed:
Darkest Hour -
Devildriver -
Bring me the Horizon -
and of course Machine Head -

I enjoy all of theme but i have to say that I loved Bring me the Horizon, it was so good, and for the first time in my life i did crowd surf. I got punched in the eye and i also lost my shoe but i had so much fun.
I also loved Machine Head, i got to say that i wasn't a big fun, like i knew them but i wasn't crazy about them, but Machine Head live is sooooooo good, seriously i got the chills listing to the guitar solos.
It was a really good night with really awesome bands, i loved  it!

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Olá pessoal! Ou não pessoal visto que ainda não tenho nenhum seguidor e não sei se alguém irá ler o que posto aqui. Bem também não tenho feito grande coisa pelo blog não é verdade?
Bem aqui vai o desabafo do dia...

Sabem quando estamos cansados e dizemos "quem me dera que não houvesse escola. quem me dera que não tivesse que trabalhar", sabem? Bem eu sei porque já várias vezes disse isso! Mas nunca pensei que não fazer nada fosse tão...secante.
Infelizmente este ano não consegui entrar na faculdade, ou seja, não faço nada da vida não é verdade. Ontem fui distribuir currículos a vários sítios, vamos lá ver se consigo arranjar um part-time para preencher algum tempo e ganhar algum dinheiro que também é muito bom.
Como tenho tanto livre, ando a pensar em criar um canal no youtube. Nada de vlogs, tutorias e essas coisas, que isso eu gosto de ver não fazer. Apenas vídeos, como complemento ao meu blog no tumblr, que é também exactamente o que este blog é.

Bem andei aqui a divagar (e nunca pensei quando criei este blog que ia postar algo tipo "diário") mas pronto não tenho andando com inspiração para escrever, mas vou tratar disso.

Bye bye

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011

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quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011

She was lying in her bed in the peace of that silence cold night.
 Just lying…I could say that she was crying but that would be just because cold and silence is somehow linked to sadness and it would be already expected. Well she was not crying…  
She was not laughing, she was not thinking, she was not felling, she was just there.
Well… she would be if such thing was possible, at least for her it was not possible.
She couldn’t just stop thinking; for all that she knows nobody could. She tried, so many times, you know…not to think, but when she was lying in the silence trying not to think she would just start thinking about not to think.
 Moving on, there was a girl lying in her bed in the peace of that silence cold night, just thinking.

Welcome me!

Hello, I'm Rita aka Alexa and this is my personal blog. I'm going to write about what i feel like to, it may be music, movies, fashion, fellings, my day... I don'te really now. Also I'm portuguese so sometimes i'll post stuff in portuguese, i can write in portuguese and in english so it really depends on what i'm going to write about.
Well this was just like an intro i'll maybe post some real stuff later.